Critical: Y
Notice Eff Date: 10/02/2023
Notice Eff Time: 09:00:00 CDT
Notice End Date: 10/24/2023
Notice End Time: 09:00:00 CDT
Notice ID: 13936972
Notice Stat Desc: Supersede
Notice Type Desc: Maint
Post Date: 09/27/2023
Post Time: 11:45:14 CDT
Prior Notice: 13900541
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Rsp Date:
Rsp Time:
TSP: 007933021

Notice Text:

Subject: Update Job #719033 and #382305 Station 60 Planned Outage and Maintenance Summary

Transco has recently provided notice of planned maintenance activity associated with Job #719033 and #382305 on its 2023 Planned Outage and Maintenance Summary. Job # 719033 will require Station 60 to be off-line  from October 2, 2023, through October 5, 2023. Job #382305 will require a pipeline segment outage and is currently scheduled from October 10, 2023, through October 23, 2023.

Operating Conditions resulting from both of these jobs will require Transco to manage the scheduled quantity for all priorities of service, including primary-firm transportation services moving south to north through Station 60. Non-primary services, including NSRP, secondary, and interruptible may not be available during this period. Any limitations to the availability of primary-firm services will be contingent on utilization during this period. The total quantity available is anticipated to be limited to 1,000 Mdt/d from October 2, through October 5, 2023, during Job 719033, and 1,550 Mdt/d from October 10, through October 23, 2023, during Job 382305. Transactions moving north to south through Station 60 will not be impacted.

The existing receipt-based Throughput Section Boundary (TSB) at mainline milepost 588.62 (Station 60) will be used to manage availability of all priorities of service including any required changes to the expected total quantity available during this planned maintenance. An updated Market and Production Area constraint notice will be posted indicating the availability of transportation services during the work periods.

TSB Name - Location

Location ID

Flow Direction

Compressor Station 60 MP 588.62


South to North

If you have any questions, please contact your Commercial Services Representative.