Critical: Y
Notice Eff Date: 04/23/2015
Notice Eff Time: 06:35:19 CDT
Notice End Date:
Notice End Time:
Notice ID: 6447790
Notice Stat Desc: Supersede
Notice Type Desc: Maintenance / Maint
Post Date: 04/23/2015
Post Time: 06:35:19 CDT
Prior Notice: 6320739
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Rsp Date:
Rsp Time:
TSP: 007933021

Notice Text:

Subject: 2015 Leidy Southeast Expansion Project Pipeline Outage Update #2

Transco has previously provided notice that as part of the Leidy Southeast Expansion project, Transco will be looping a segment of its pipeline between Station 505 and Princeton Junction (Station 210 pool).  Due to this necessity to make modifications to Transco’s system, and in order to accomplish construction of this pipeline loop in accordance with the authorizations relating to this construction, an existing single line segment of pipeline will be temporarily removed from service during this Operating Condition (see Section 11.1 of the General Terms and Conditions of the Transco Tariff).

The current construction schedule requires the existing pipeline segment to be out of service starting on May 1, 2015 and continuing until approximately June 12, 2015.

During this period, non-secondary reverse path (NSRP), secondary FT, and interruptible (IT) transactions moving from west to east through Stations 515 and 505 will not be available. In addition, non-secondary reverse path (NSRP), secondary FT, and interruptible (IT) moving from east to west through Station 520 and M.P. 205.00 West will be limited during this outage period. An updated “Market and Production Area Constraint” notice will be posted indicating the availability of these services.

Additionally, receipt volumes from Tennessee Rivervale, 1-Line location ID 1006224 will be limited to primary firm only and Texas Eastern Lambertville, 1-Line location ID 1006154 will be limited to 25,000 dts.

Transco has been working with other parties and Shippers on options to reduce or eliminate any reduction in west to east primary firm Leidy transportation capacity that may occur at Station 505. However, at times, Transco may, as a result of this event, have to restrict Leidy primary firm transportation capacity moving from west to east at Station 505. Additional information, as well as any necessary notifications pursuant Section 11.1 of the General Terms and Conditions of the Transco Tariff, will be provided as timely as possible if any reduction to Leidy primary firm transportation capacity is required.

Please contact your Customer Service Representative if you have any questions.

Ross Sinclair,

Manager, Pipeline Control