Critical: Y
Notice Eff Date: 12/25/2022
Notice Eff Time: 11:13:50 CST
Notice End Date:
Notice End Time:
Notice ID: 13235163
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Notice Type Desc: Oper Alert
Post Date: 12/25/2022
Post Time: 11:13:50 CST
Prior Notice: 0
Reqrd Rsp Desc: Immediate response required of an operational nature may be required of impacted shippers
Rsp Date:
Rsp Time:
TSP: 007933021

Notice Text:

Subject: Delivery Point Operator Active Confirmations

By notice issued December 21, 2022, Transco advised that given below normal temperatures and increased system demand forecasted across the Transco system through the Holiday weekend, daily and hourly flexibility will be limited. Among other things, Transco stated that receipt locations that are under-performing and not flowing the confirmed scheduled quantity will be reduced to align actual flowing quantities with confirmed scheduled quantities.

Subsequent to that notice, Transco has determined that certain Buyers are unable to deliver transportation gas to Transco, inconsistent with scheduled quantities. We are communicating with those parties. Pursuant to section 11.3 (d) of the General Terms and Conditions (GT&C) of Transco’s Tariff, Transco is hereby advising Buyers and delivery point operators that, in cases where a Buyer is unable to deliver transportation gas to Transco, Transco may reduce the Buyer’s scheduled quantity, effective with Gas Day December 25, 2022, to the gas quantity tendered by Buyer to Transco, as independently verified and confirmed by Transco.  In that event, the Buyer’s entitlement shall be reduced to the scheduled quantity  and such reduced entitlement shall be used for purposes of the overrun provisions of Section 18 of the GT&C of Transco’s Tariff. As provided by section 11.3(d), such Buyers retain the option to maintain their full contract entitlement if the Buyer or Buyer’s Supplier executes a Supplier guarantee in writing to guarantee delivery into Transco’s system of the gas supplies, or be liable for any shortfall in the guaranteed supplies, which Seller cannot verify and confirm (see attached Supply Guarantee Letter).  Transco will notify individual Buyers or delivery point operators of such cuts as soon as possible.  Upon notification of such cuts, Transco retains the option to physically reduce flows to match scheduled quantities.  In addition, Transco reserves any and all other rights and remedies that it has to address this situation.

If you have any questions, please contact your Commercial Representative.