Critical: Y
Notice Eff Date: 04/13/2017
Notice Eff Time: 11:43:39 CDT
Notice End Date:
Notice End Time:
Notice ID: 7921698
Notice Stat Desc: Supersede
Notice Type Desc: Gas Qual
Post Date: 04/13/2017
Post Time: 11:43:39 CDT
Prior Notice: 225878
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Rsp Date:
Rsp Time:
TSP: 007933021

Notice Text:

Subject: Gas Merchantability Notice

Transco provided notice about Gas Merchantability on May 4, 2004 (1Line Notice 225878).  Changes in system conditions and flow patterns have affected gas blending opportunities on the Transco system.  Therefore, Transco reminds all producers, receipt point operators, interconnecting pipelines and shippers on the Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line System that natural gas tendered to the Transco system must either conform to the Heating Value specification set forth in Transco’s FERC Gas Tariff, provided that the hydrocarbon content for Pentane and heavier components (C5+) does not exceed 0.23 mol%, or be processed prior to delivery into Transco’s system.  Transco will continue to enforce its Heating Value and Merchantability specifications on an on-going basis. 

Transco’s FERC Gas Tariff requires that the natural gas tendered to Transco must conform to specific heat content and other quality specifications, including the requirement that the natural gas be commercially free from substances which might interfere with the merchantability of the natural gas or cause injury to or interference with the proper operation of the lines, regulators, meters or other appliances through which the natural gas flows.  If the natural gas tendered to Transco fails at any time to conform to the specifications set forth in Transco’s FERC Gas Tariff or might otherwise interfere with or adversely affect the normal operation of the facilities of Transco or its customers, then that natural gas becomes subject to refusal.

Transco reserves all of its legal, equitable and FERC Gas Tariff rights and remedies as they relate to nonconforming natural gas tendered for delivery to its system. Transco appreciates your cooperation in taking prompt action to conform to these requirements.

If you have any questions please contact your Transportation Service Representative.