Critical: N
Notice Eff Date: 09/10/2019
Notice Eff Time: 07:58:58 CDT
Notice End Date: 10/23/2019
Notice End Time: 09:00:00 CDT
Notice ID: 9951377
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Notice Type Desc: TSP Cap Offer / Open Season
Post Date: 09/10/2019
Post Time: 07:58:58 CDT
Prior Notice: 0
Reqrd Rsp Desc: Respond by specified date and time
Rsp Date: 10/10/2019
Rsp Time: 09:00:00 CDT
TSP: 007933021

Notice Text:

Subject: Open Season for Available Firm Transportation Capacity on Transco (Station 30 to Station 65)

Pursuant to Section 49 of the General Terms and Conditions of its FERC Gas Tariff, Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC (“Transco”) hereby announces that, from 9:00 a.m. CCT September 10, 2019 until 9:00 a.m. CCT October 23, 2019, Transco will receive requests for firm Part 284 transportation service under Transco’s Rate Schedule FT for a Transportation Contract Quantity (“TCQ”) of up to 4,816 dt/day.  This capacity will become available on November 1, 2019.  The primary path for this capacity is from Transco’s Pooling Station 30 (Location #1000007) in Zone 1 to Transco’s Pooling Station 65 (Location # 1000065) in Zone 3.

Any party desiring to subscribe to such firm transportation service pursuant to this announcement must provide to Transco, within the above stated period, a completed transportation request form which is available here: Click here for Bid Form.  A requesting party may also be required to provide evidence to demonstrate creditworthiness as set forth in Section 32 of the General Terms and Conditions of Transco’s FERC Gas Tariff.  Click here for Transco’s Online Credit Application Form.  Receipt by Transco of a properly completed request form and necessary creditworthiness information during the specified period shall constitute a “Complete Request” and shall be considered a binding offer by the party delivering such Complete Request.

Transco will evaluate all Complete Requests and will determine the best bid in accordance with Section 49.2(b) of the General Terms and Conditions of Transco’s FERC Gas Tariff.  Transco will not accept any bid for less than the full contract path identified in the first paragraph above.  Transco may consider, but will not be obligated to accept, reservation rate bids that are for less than the total available TCQ or bids that are at less than the applicable maximum reservation rate (currently $0.18906 per dt/day), as it may be amended from time to time.  Transco reserves its right under Section 49.5 of the General Terms and Conditions of Transco’s FERC Gas Tariff to reject any reservation rate bid at a rate less than the applicable maximum reservation rate, as it may be amended from time to time.  In addition to the applicable maximum reservation rate, any party receiving the firm transportation service will also be responsible for all applicable electric power unit rates, commodity rates and surcharges and for fuel and line loss make-up retention, all as applicable under Transco’s Rate Schedule FT, as the same may be revised from time to time.

In the event that Transco does not receive bids or does not accept bids during the open season period, then Transco will, after the end of the open season period, receive bids for any remaining unsubscribed capacity on a first come, first served basis.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact your Customer Services Representative.